Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A pair of trousers for next spring

Recently I made that flowery shirt for next spring and I considered I would have to make light blue denim pants, to have a nice combination with this shirt.

I went shopping on my favourite Dappermarkt, but I couldn't find any denim.
So I came home with another light blue fabric, which would be nice to combine with the shirt. (By the way, I had to pay four euro for two meters of the fabric, can you believe this? The buttons are more expensive than the fabric...)

This time I wanted to make a jeans type model.

In terms of fabric, jeans are made from denim.

In terms of design, the main features of a jeans model are 1) the typical front pockets and 2) the typical two separate parts topping the rear legs.  Both elements are shown in above picture.

Well, maybe the rivets and the buttons which were functional and not decorative when jeans originally were introduced as workman clothes, form another characteristic.

But all other elements (the "fifth pocket", all kind of colored stichtings, wide legs, small legs)  in my opinion are decoration, fantasy, fashion, whatever.

I learned about a London designer who recently presented male fashion with very wide legs, say  five times the usual size. But I also understand skinny legs will be hot next season.

Variations on the same theme.

I will stick to my basic model with legs which are not too wide, not too skinny. And I just will have some variations by decorative topstitching with yarn in a different color.

The next picture shows what the trousers look like when completed with silvery (jeans) buttons and a belt that goes very fine with the decorative stichtings..

Of course I still am looking around for my light blue denim fabric.

However, it is not so easy to find it, even in the best fabric shops in town, as if the leading jeans manufacturers monopolize the really nice denim fabrics.

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