Friday, January 21, 2011

Flowery shirt for next spring

In january I have been busy with a new shirt for next spring/summer. Above, you see how the collar is fixed upon the back side of the shirt. One of the funny episodes of making such an item.

Half of the collar has an interfacing added, i.e the part that will be on the inside when the shirt is finished. Always fun to do some puzzling to fix the collar in the right way.

This is what the topstitched front pocket looks like

I came along the fabric when earlier this year we were on holiday for some days in the eastern part of the country and went to see a shop we also have visited last year.

They had this nice flowered lightweight cotton fabric.The people in the shop had no idea where this fabric was made. I guess it might come from India. Kind of flowerpower revisited.

The finished shirt looks like this, as shown on the mannequin.

This mannequin is a classic male model. It comes from the Waterlooplein fleemarket, and I got it as a present for my birthday many years ago. I am rather happy with this one and I use if very often.

It's cold outside nowadays, so I will store the shirt until next spring and summer...... 

Jumping from january to august, above is a picture made early august 2011 on the Bloemendaal beach, facing the North Sea. Nice shirt for a hot summer day, eh? Nice atmosphere on the beach too.

And here are two pictures from july 2012.... 

...walking dog....on a surprisingly hot day

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