Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Delivering galgo coats

Two piles of  galgo coats that have been made during late summer 2010.

They were finished just in time to be attached to the november 2010 transport from the Netherlands to Spain.

We went to deliver them at the central location where a lot of goods -food, medicines, blankets, coats- were collected. The friendly little cat came to greet the visitors.

That night a big truck came along to load all goods, packed in boxes.

Meanwhile they have arrived in  Spain, to be distributed to the shelters over there, which care for the galgo's..

unloading the goods
picture from the dutch website galgonieuws

Like I said before, if you would like to make galgo coats yourself, just google galgo coat, and you will come along patterns and instructions about the material that preferably should be used.

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