Friday, August 3, 2012

A grey-brown t-shirt

It's about colours, this post

Some time ago I bought several meters of a t-shirt fabric in a grey-brown colour. I would say this colour is named "taupe", but I am not quite sure about this.

I used this fabric to make a t.shirt with long sleeves.

Because of the scarf the neckline is hidden. So to explain it in words: it is a circular neckline, vertically cut in the middle with a lined overlapping closure of some five cm (two inches), without buttons.

This shirt colours nicely with the light blue denim jeans, the scarf in the same colour and the red column.


  1. Here's hoping you'll be able to reactivate your account. I love your clothes!

  2. Sure, I soon will publish a new post about black skinny jeans
