Monday, August 9, 2010

A fabric from the market at Ridderkerk

Some time ago we went to Ridderkerk, south of Rotterdam, to see Sandra and to do some shopping at the weekly market over there. 

A vendor at that market has a stall with some special fabrics. She sells all kinds of fleece, that can be used to make nice warm coats for galgo's, needed in winter time by spanish shelters who are at the rescue of these much abused dogs. (More about this later).

We bought meters of fleece. 

And we came along some fabric that looked rather waterproof. Back home we did a test, but no, it was'nt waterproof at all. 

It was rather synthetic, shiny and looking leatherette, but it was definitely not waterproof. 

No good for galgo coats.

So I got the idea to use it to make a jacket for myself. The picture above shows the result, a view from the frontside. 

Here is a view from the backside. .Me, leaving to do some food shopping (in dry wheather, of course...).

It's like a jeans jacket, somehow, and it has jeans buttons, but because of the shiny effect, the look is quite  different.

That's what I like. Using fabrics in a way that is different, making unexpected combinations, but stylish.. 

I have been making my own clothes for some twenty years now. A men's fashion shop will see me just for t-shirts, sweaters and an occasional pair of jeans.

But trousers, jackets, shirts, gilets I make myself. 

And galgo coats, of  course.

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